MA/MS Theses and Research Projects

Thesis Display
Student Name Title Year Committee
Eleanor Morgan Scorched Legacy: Wildfire Impacts on Water Quality in a Montane Valley Creek Leora Nanus, Jerry Davis
Patrick Bernard Nicholson Jr. A GIS Equity Analysis of San Francisco Slow Streets XiaoHang Liu, Jason Mark Henderson
Marina Bozinovic Assessing noise exposure to beaked and sperm whales in the California Current Ellen Hines, Sara Baguskas
Jessica Solis Carbon Flux Dynamics from a Coastal Grassland Disturbed by Wildfire and Grazing Sara Baguskas, Andrew Oliphant, Jerry Davis
Vanessa Michael Evaluating Carbon Stocks in a Tropical Urban Mangrove Forest, Suva, Fiji Andrew Oliphant, Sara Baguskas, Leonhard Blesius
Lejane Kwan Post-Pandemic San Francisco CBD: A Spatiotemporal Analysis on Pedestrian and Consumer Patterns XiaoHang Liu, Jerry Davis
Josh von Nonn An open-source workflow for scaling burn severity metrics from drone to satellite Leonhard Blesius, Jerry Davis
Logan Hansen Remotely sensing the effects of managed wildfire programs on Sierra Nevada meadows Jerry Davis, Leonhard Blesius
Vincent Molina Urban Green Space Accessibility and Seniors’ Quality of Life in San Francisco Jason Mark Henderson, Nancy Wilkinson, XiaoHang Liu
Andy Murillo Queer Gender & Bicycling in Santa Cruz, CA Courtney Donovan, Jason Mark Henderson
Clarissa Maciel Impact of farming practices on soil greenhouse gas emissions Andrew Oliphant, Jennifer Blecha, Leonhard Blesius
Dariya Draganova Spatiotemporal Change in Housing Affordability for Single Parent Households in Davis, CA Nancy Wilkinson, Jerry Davis
Raymond LeBeau Geomorphic Change Detection in an Incised Montane Meadow Stream Channel Jerry Davis, Sara Baguskas, Leonhard Blesius
Kristin Bowman Factors that Obstruct or Support the Development of Urban Sustainable Landscape Demonstration Nancy Wilkinson, Jason Mark Henderson
Bethany Frantz Habitat and bycatch risk of South American sea lions in northern Chile Ellen Hines, Jerry Davis
Maret Bartlett California Highway 89 Wildlife Crossing Structures: Planning, Construction, and Effectiveness Nancy Wilkinson, Jerry Davis
Sarah Gomes Coastal fog and butterflies: How does microclimate impact butterfly habitat in San Francisco Sara Baguskas, Andrew Oliphant, Nancy Wilkinson
Jolene Bertetto Investigating the role of vegetation on midafternoon microclimates in a residential courtyard Andrew Oliphant, Leora Nanus
Linda Jo Morton Citizen Participation in Environmental Planning: A Case Study of Oakland Measure DD Nancy Wilkinson, Ellen Hines, Jasper Rubin
William Wiskes Identification of Abandoned Logging Roads in Point Reyes National Seashore Leonhard Blesius, Ellen Hines
Chloe Martin Dynamics of Climate, Phenology, and Productivity Across a Hydrologic Gradient in a Montane Meadow Sara Baguskas, Jerry Davis
Patrick Ehhalt Investigating Variability in CO2 Fluxes in Urban Gardens, Oakland CA Andrew Oliphant, Sara Baguskas
Allison Kelly Evaluating Fire Fuels in Northern California Oak Woodlands using Unmanned Aerial Systems Leonhard Blesius, Jerry Davis
Dennis Jongsomjit The effects of sea-ice movement on Adélie penguin winter migration Ellen Hines, Jerry Davis
Nicholas Fetherston Effects of Restoration on Water Quality in a Sierra Nevada Meadow Leora Nanus, Jerry Davis
Shamim Mousavi Assessing Meadow Carbon Cycling Using Digital Repeat Photography and Eddy Covariance Techniques Andrew Oliphant, Sara Baguskas
Eliza Bailey Personal Narratives: Discovering San Francisco's Changing Spaces for Queer Women Nancy Wilkinson, Courtney Donovan
Ana Pelegrini Guimaraes Urban greenspace, bluespace, stress, and depression during pregnancy: San Francisco Bay Area Jerry Davis, Nancy Wilkinson, Anna Studwell
Joe Ahrenholtz Modeling the Effects of Density Zoning on Racial/Ethnic Clustering in Oakland Jerry Davis, XiaoHang Liu
Reese Hann Impact of the Built Environment on Microclimate in San Jose, California Andrew Oliphant, Sara Baguskas
Paul Dunn Geospatial Analysis of the Effects of Canopy Insolation Partitioning on Biodiversity in a Temperate Montane Forest Leonhard Blesius, Andrew Oliphant
Michael Tarantino Comparing Classification Methods for Mapping Invasive Floating Vegetation in the Sacramento Delta Leonhard Blesius, Jerry Davis
Jeffrey Blumenthal Spatial Modeling of Oyster Drill Habitat Preferences in Richardson Bay, California Ellen Hines, Leora Nanus
Jasleen Pannu A Critical Analysis of Environmental Activism in West Contra Costa County Nancy Wilkinson, Leora Nanus
Philip Lynch Remote Sensing: Classifying Urban Land Use Types with Satellite Imagery Leonhard Blesius, Ellen Hines
Heather Co The Impact of Waste Management Policy on Marine Debris: A Case Study in San Mateo County Tendai Chitewere, Jennifer Blecha
Mitchell Wilks Cartographic Communication for a Search and Rescue Map Jerry Davis, Leonhard Blesius, John Isom
Charles Brandt Bates Multi-temporal DEM and Land Use Analysis for Determining Gully Formation Leonhard Blesius, Jerry Davis
Logan Wenzler Remote Sensing and Computer Vision Algorithms at Scale: Defense and Humanitarian Uses Leonhard Blesius, Jerry Davis
Salma Abdel-Raheem Using participatory mapping for marine spatial planning in Saint George's Caye, Belize Ellen Hines, XiaoHang Liu, Quentin Clark
Jessica Woodard Mainstreaming Sustainable Landscapes in the East Bay Municipal Utility District Nancy Wilkinson, Jerry Davis
Zoe Statman-Weil Disparities in Community Water Systems' Compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act Leora Nanus, Nancy Wilkinson
Kelly Krotcov Tradeoffs of water security and adequate ecological protection during drought, Coastal California Leora Nanus, Jerry Davis
Kang Xiong A Remote Sensing Analysis of Pitch Canker in Bishop Pines at Point Reyes National Seashore Leonhard Blesius, Sara Baguskas, Jerry Davis
Sally Shatford Examining areas of income-based segregation and affordable housing locations, San Francisco XiaoHang Liu, Qian Guo
Benjamin Wheeler Using Social Media to collect Spatial Political Information for Decision Support XiaoHang Liu, Jerry Davis
Deseret Weeks Mercury in the Cache Creek Watershed – Spatial Analysis, Ecosystem Services Impacts and SES Framework Implementation Leora Nanus, Jerry Davis, Jason Gurdak
Erika Poveda The "Greening" of Gentrification: A Case Study of the East Bay Greenway Tendai Chitewere, Jennifer Blecha
Misty McKinney Impacts of Illegal Dumping in East Palo Alto: An Environmental Justice Analysis Tendai Chitewere, Jennifer Blecha
Max Czapansky Seabird Habitat Accessibility Determined by Energetic Responses to Wind Ellen Hines, XiaoHang Liu
Jarrad Fisher Butano Creek Floodplain Restoration Geomorphic Response Jerry Davis, Leonhard Blesius
Andrea Sproul Evaluating Small Dam Removal Planning in the San Francisco Bay Area Nancy Wilkinson, Jerry Davis
Jack Swallow Spatial Tactics of Social Movements Courtney Donovan, Jason Mark Henderson
Austen Lorenz Classifying Meadow Hydrogeomorphic Types with LiDAR and Multispectral Imagery using OBIA Leonhard Blesius, Jerry Davis
Charlotte Hummer An Examination of San Francisco State University Students' Perceptions of Potable Reuse Nancy Wilkinson, Leora Nanus
Finn Black The impact of gentrification on HIV linkage and retention in San Francisco Courtney Donovan, Nancy Wilkinson
Victoria Seher Understanding Breeding Success of Pigeon Guillemots (Cepphus columba) in an Urban Environment Barbara Holzman, Ellen Hines
Quentin Clark The Spatial Distribution of Non-Native Flora in the South Farallon Islands Barbara Holzman, Ellen Hines
Christa Meier Investigation of the carbon dioxide exchange over a living roof in San Francisco Andrew Oliphant, Jerry Davis
Sam Stein An Examination of Water Quality in the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project Leora Nanus, Nancy Wilkinson
Melissa Kent Citizen Science's Role in Filling Data Gaps: Whale Watching Operators of Northern California Ellen Hines, Jennifer Blecha
Danielle Mazzella Assessing low-income women's access to housing and health care in San Francisco XiaoHang Liu, Tendai Chitewere
Tom Robinson Mapping Ecologically Functional Riparian Corridors Using LiDAR and Hydrologic Landscape Analysis Jerry Davis, Nancy Wilkinson
Yael Golan Gendered Walkability: Building a Daytime Walkability Index for Women in San Francsisco Nancy Wilkinson, Jason Mark Henderson, Aiko Weverka
Darren Blackburn Investigations of Carbon and Water Fluxes in a Sierra Nevada Meadow Andrew Oliphant, Jerry Davis
Jessica Sloan Evaluating Visitation at Don Edwards NWR: Encouraging Environmental Education and Urban Conservation Nancy Wilkinson, Leora Nanus
Khristina Wenzinger Examining Transit Accessibility for Families with Young Children in San Francisco Jason Mark Henderson, Courtney Donovan
Reece Golz Incident Rates of Acute Appendicitis in Washington State: A Geographic Analysis Courtney Donovan, XiaoHang Liu
Naama Brenner Preparedness Measures of Wineries Before & After the South Napa Earthquake Nancy Wilkinson, Qian Guo
Ryan Cooksey The Treasure Island Development Project: A Case Study in Neoliberal Urban Development Qian Guo, Nancy Wilkinson
Suzanne Maher Bio-micrometeorology of a Sierra Nevada montane meadow Andrew Oliphant, Jerry Davis
Katherine Dicker Sustainable Scuba Diving? Exploring Conscious Underwater Impact as Influenced by Eco-Perception Courtney Donovan, Ellen Hines
Nathaniel Greig Composition and Analysis of Vessel Speeds off the Coast of Washington State Ellen Hines, XiaoHang Liu
Laurel Ballanti Hyperspectral Tree Species Classification in Muir Woods National Park Leonhard Blesius, Ellen Hines
Kerstin Kalchmayr Assessing spatio-temporal changes of invasive Limonium ramosissimum in San Francisco Bay wetlands Barbara Holzman, Ellen Hines
Rubaya Pervin Identifying Changes in Mangroves in Trat Province, Thailand and Koh Kong Province, Cambodia Ellen Hines, Leonhard Blesius
Anna Studwell Predicting Nonresident Seabird Foraging Habitat to Inform Conservation Planning Ellen Hines, Barbara Holzman, Jaime Jahncke
Richard Chasey Southeast Farallon Island Seed Bank Characterization Barbara Holzman, Ellen Hines, Tom Parker
Allison Barnes An Object-Oriented Classification of Impact Craters Using Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Leonhard Blesius, Jerry Davis
Jill Miller Animal Geography and Wildlife Interpretation of Urban Bats Nancy Wilkinson, Jennifer Blecha
Garrett Bradford Investigations of surface roughness length modification in Black Rock City, Nevada Andrew Oliphant, Leonhard Blesius
Stephanie Auer Climate Change Exposure Across The Mountain Goat Range: Metrics for Vulnerability Assessment Barbara Holzman, Ellen Hines
Kate Kilduff Environmental Justice Analysis of Nitrate Contamination in San Joaquin Valley Drinking Water Nancy Wilkinson, Jerry Davis
Elias Waggoner Normalized cuts for single tree isolation from LiDAR Ellen Hines, Leonhard Blesius
Biniam Mengisteab Artisinal gold mining activities and forest loss in upper Mazaruni Territory, Guyana, between 1986 and 2013 Leonhard Blesius, XiaoHang Liu, Logan Hennessy
Gia Grant San Francisco park bond funding: an equity mapping & analysis Jennifer Blecha, XiaoHang Liu
Hilary Finck Plastic Bag Legislation in the San Francisco Bay Area: A Diffusion of Innovation Study Nancy Wilkinson, Jason Mark Henderson
Naama Brenner The sustainability movement in the California wine industry Nancy Wilkinson, Courtney Donovan
Jamie Hawk Classification, Vegetation-Environment Relationships, and Distribution of Plant Communities on Southeast Farallon Island, California Barbara Holzman, Ellen Hines, Jaime Jahncke
Samuel Oakley Estimating Ladder Fuels In A Mixed-Oak Forest Using LiDAR Leonhard Blesius, Jerry Davis
Jill Miller Opportunities for Bat Interpretation in the SF Bay Area's State Parks Nancy Wilkinson, Jennifer Blecha
Peter Christian Using Low Cost UAS and Consumer Grade Cameras for Environmental Science Research Jerry Davis, Leonhard Blesius
Joseph Issel Pool Spacing in San Gregorio Creek, California Jerry Davis, Leonhard Blesius
Pamela van der Leeden In Situ Validation of Satellite Sea Surface Temperature Measurements in a Northern California Upwelling Area Andrew Oliphant, Leonhard Blesius
Genevieve Munsey Geomorphology at the confluence of stream restoration and flood control Jerry Davis, Leonhard Blesius
Siobhan Lavender Impacts of living roofs on urban climate in San Francisco Andrew Oliphant, Leonhard Blesius
Caitlin Jensen Spatial and Temporal Variability in Shipping Traffic around San Francisco Bay Ellen Hines, Barbara Holzman
Timothé Vincent Habitat Use of Finless Porpoises in Hong Kong Ellen Hines, Qian Guo, Samuel Hung
Aprile Smith The Influence of Roadway Features on Pedestrian Collisions in San Francisco, California Jason Mark Henderson, XiaoHang Liu
Kristal Ip Exploring the Soundscape Geography of the San Francisco Bay Trail Ellen Hines, Tendai Chitewere
Stephanie Cowles Investigations of the Park Cool Island Effect of Golden Gate Park, San Francisco Andrew Oliphant, Jerry Davis
Ryan Bey Large Woody Material Assessment for Salmon Restoration in Mill Creek Watershed, Sonoma County, California Barbara Holzman, Jerry Davis
Jason Sherba Object-based Classification of Abandoned Logging Roads Under Heavy Canopy Using LiDAR Jerry Davis, Leonhard Blesius
Alex Roa Boots and Birkenstocks: Landowner attitudes about conservation easements in San Mateo County Nancy Wilkinson, Jennifer Blecha
Charlotte Ely Investigating Parcel Changes to Understand Historic Land Use in a Southwestern Watershed Nancy Wilkinson, Jason Mark Henderson
Adam McClure Error Reduction Techniques on a LiDAR Salt Marsh DEM Using RTK GPS XiaoHang Liu, Ellen Hines
Owen Parker Object‐based Segmentation and Machine Learning Classification for Landslide Detection from Multi‐temporal WorldView‐2 Imagery Leonhard Blesius, Jerry Davis
Carlos Jennings Estimating PM 2.5 concentrations using MODIS and meteorological measurements for the San Francisco Bay Area Andrew Oliphant, Leonhard Blesius
Michael Chassé San Francisco's Rare Endemic Manzanitas: Prospects for Recovery Through Restoration Barbara Holzman, Jerry Davis, Tom Parker
Jose Camarena An Object-Oriented Classification of Muir Woods using the Synergy of LiDAR and Multispectral Data Leonhard Blesius, XiaoHang Liu, Ellen Hines
Andrea Dransfield Hotspot Analysis of Humpback Whales along Cordell Bank and Gulf of the Farallones, Central California Ellen Hines, Barbara Holzman, Jaime Jahncke
Paris Good-Swan A Spatial Analysis of Pitch Canker in Point Reyes National Seashore Barbara Holzman, Leonhard Blesius
Michelle Slocombe Morphology of Small, Discontinuous Montane Meadow Streams in the Sierra Nevada Jerry Davis, Andrew Oliphant
Rachel Cunningham Public Perceptions of Levees and Risk: A Natomas, Sacramento, California Case Study Nancy Wilkinson, Courtney Donovan
William Goedecke Efficacy of Mathematical Models Using Physical Soil Factors in Determining Landslide Hazard Leonhard Blesius, Jerry Davis, Seth Hiatt
Caleb Feldman Grassroots Science: Power, Knowledge, and Participation in the San Francisco Bay Barbara Holzman, Courtney Donovan
Jennifer McGowan Using seabird habitat modeling to inform ocean zoning in Central California's National Marine Sanctuaries Ellen Hines, Jerry Davis
Dara OBeirne Measuring the Urban Forest: Comparing LiDAR derived tree heights to field measurements Jerry Davis, Leonhard Blesius
Marilyn Smulyan An Assessment of Step-pool Urban Stream Restoration: San Pedro Creek, Pacifica, California. Jerry Davis, Andrew Oliphant
Stephanie Carnow Volunteer Perspectives on Ethical and Geographical Dilemmas in Marine Mammal Rescue and Rehabilitation. Nancy Wilkinson, Courtney Donovan
Mary Israel An Index of Threat: Mapping Climate Change in High Sierra Nevada Communities. Jerry Davis, Leonhard Blesius, Gretchen LeBuhn
Anna Davenport Modeling Geomorphic Effects on Eelgrass Before and After Restoration, Nisqually Delta, Washington Jerry Davis, Leonhard Blesius
Aariel Rowan Effects of Restoration on the Small Shorebird Carrying Capacity of a South Bay Mud Flat Jerry Davis, Leonhard Blesius
Alan Kwok After the Fire: Disaster Perception and Preparedness of Older Adults Courtney Donovan, Nancy Wilkinson
Jaime Tatman Geographical Frame Analysis of Environmental Conflict: A Case Study of Bolinas Lagoon Nancy Wilkinson, Jerry Davis
Michael Webster An Examination of Gentrification and Urban Change in San Francisco's Dogpatch Qian Guo, Jason Mark Henderson
Diane Livia Involvement of Environmental Organizations in the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) Planning Process Nancy Wilkinson, Jason Mark Henderson
Cynthia Powell Using MODIS and Precipitation Data to Create a Stochastic Water Runoff Forecasting Model for the Mokelumne River Basin in the Sierra Nevada Range, California (2000-2010) Leonhard Blesius, Jerry Davis
Chad Steacy Discourse in the Abandoned Small Town: Toward a Critical Geography of Decline Jason Mark Henderson, Courtney Donovan
Sarah Harling Flood Hazard Perception: A Comparative Study in Arboga and Plumas Lake, California Nancy Wilkinson, Qian Guo
Graydon Creed The Specter of Depletion: Drought Conditions in the Southern San Joaquin Valley, 1928-1934 Nancy Wilkinson, Jerry Davis
Kota Funayama Effects of Sea-Level Rise on Northern Elephant Seals in Point Reyes Peninsula Ellen Hines, Jerry Davis
Pamela Wilson Going to the Nagar Kirtan: Bay Area Sikh Connections to Yuba City Nancy Wilkinson, Qian Guo
Leigh Etheridge Animal, Vegetable, Marin: The Motivations of Organic Agriculturalists in Marin County, California Nancy Wilkinson, Hans Meihoefer
Shawn Heiser Living on the Edge: Environmental History at Mussel Rock, Daly City, California Nancy Wilkinson, Jerry Davis
Guillermo Duran Assessing the Habitat Fragmentation of Socioeconomically Important Tree Species in Costa Rica Barbara Holzman, Jerry Davis
Brian Harvey Post-Fire Succession and Stand Dynamics in a Pinus muricata (Bishop pine) Forest, Point Reyes National Seashore (1995-2009) Barbara Holzman, Jerry Davis
Paula White Evaluating Impacts of Polystyrene Bans: Trash-Impaired Watersheds in the East Bay Jerry Davis, Nancy Wilkinson
Jeanne Depman Examining an Urban Water Source: Groundwater Characteristics of San Francisco's Lobos Creek Jerry Davis, Andrew Oliphant
Kathleen Cooney Updating the Electric Grid: Public Perceptions of Transmission Line Siting Jason Mark Henderson, Nancy Wilkinson
Dorothy Dick Abundance and Spatial Habitat Analysis of Bottlenose Dolphins at Turneffe Atoll, Belize Ellen Hines, Barbara Holzman
Jason Zimmerman Transportation Regimes and Community Politics in West Oakland, California Jason Mark Henderson, Nancy Wilkinson
Stefanie Egan Participatory GIS for Biosphere Reserve Designation, Turneffe Atoll, Belize: Lessons Learned Ellen Hines, Barbara Holzman
Dan Hermstad Tomato Seed Networks of CSA Farmers in the San Francisco Bay Area Nancy Wilkinson, Qian Guo
Kathryn Faulkner San Francisco's Public Golf Courses, 1996-2008: An Urban Regime Analysis Qian Guo, Nancy Wilkinson
Noah Wasserman Vegetation Change Trends in Yosemite National Park Over the Last Century (1897-2008) Barbara Holzman, Andrew Oliphant
Alan Wiig Producing Heritage: Presentations of the Gold Rush in Columbia, California Nancy Wilkinson, Courtney Donovan
Alicia Omlid Sustainable Stormwater Management: Implementing Best Management Practices in San Francisco's Pandhandle Area Jerry Davis, Jason Mark Henderson
Anne McTavish The Role of Critical Cartography in Environmental Justice: Land-Use Conflict at Shasta Dam, California Nancy Wilkinson, Jerry Davis
Matt Merrifield Building Regional Threat Based Networks for Estuaries in the Western United States Ellen Hines, XiaoHang Liu
Wendy Allison Urban and Rural Newspaper Reporting of the 2001 Klamath Basin Crisis. Nancy Wilkinson, Jason Mark Henderson
Casey Cleve Using GIS to Predict Potential Sierra Nevada Red Fox Habitat Barbara Holzman, Ellen Hines
Jessica Miller Assessing Risk Perception: Mid-Ohio Valley Pollution Nancy Wilkinson, Qian Guo
Jon Bauer Potemkin Creek: I Can't Believe It's Not Nature Nancy Wilkinson, Qian Guo, Jerry Davis
Sadie Waddington Quantitative Study of Sediment Accumulation Due to Mangrove Removal at Turneffe Atoll, Belize Ellen Hines, Jerry Davis
Marshall Kunze Pure, Plentiful, Perpetual? The Edwards Aquifer: Conflict and Sustainability Nancy Wilkinson, Jerry Davis
Seth Hiatt Habitat Distribution Modeling of Arctostaphylos Myrtifolia in Amador County, California Barbara Holzman, Jerry Davis
Arnold Thompson Water Repellency, Soil Moisture Surface Runoff and Soil Erosion Under Eucalyptus Canopy vs. Oak Canopy in Coastal California Jerry Davis, Andrew Oliphant
Becky Quinlan Individual Response to Flooding in the Trinity River Basin, Texas Nancy Wilkinson, Edna Wangui
Mary Brown Shifting Landscapes of Mobility: Reconfiguring Space in the Mission District for Automobiles Jason Mark Henderson, Nancy Wilkinson
Judy Lee Modeling Population Distribution in Urban Areas Using Remote Sensing Information: A Spatial Metrics Method XiaoHang Liu, Jerry Davis
Jennifer Jackson Sources of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Wastewater, Oakland, California Nancy Wilkinson, Jerry Davis
Anne Atkinson An Environmental History of Maunalua Bay and its Watershed Barbara Holzman, Nancy Wilkinson
Christine Carolan The Impact of Immigration Organization and Leadership on San Francisco's Land Use Qian Guo, Nancy Wilkinson
Reese Madrid Equitability in Acequia Water Delivery: An Analysis Using Remote Sensing Vegetation Indices Nancy Wilkinson, Patricia Foschi
Kate Anderson Lines Through Time: A Historical Analysis of Property Boundaries in San Francisco, 1850-1931 Barbara Holzman, XiaoHang Liu
Melanie Vanderhoof Distributional Patterns of Perennial Pepperweed, Lepidium Latifolium, in the San Francisco Bay Barbara Holzman, Patricia Foschi
Josh Schnabel A Comparison of Methods for Assessing Hazardous Air Pollutant Risk in Communities Jerry Davis, Andrew Oliphant
Charles Brigham Structured and Dynamic Spatial Pattern of Rainfall in the City of San Francisco Andrew Oliphant, Jerry Davis
Kimberly Durandet Live/Work Loft Development in San Francisco: A Case Study of Gentrification and Urban Regimes Qian Guo, Nancy Wilkinson
Miguel Fernandez Assessing the Effects of Locality Precision in Predictive Species of Distribution Models Barbara Holzman, Jerry Davis, Jason Mark Henderson
Julia Griswold Qualifying the Effects of the Built Environment on Pedestrian Activity in San Francisco XiaoHang Liu, Jason Mark Henderson
Nelia White Discrete Versus Continuous: A Comparison of Water Quality Monitoring Techniques Jerry Davis, Nancy Wilkinson
Christy Camp Golden Gate Heights Natural Areas, San Francisco: A Biogeographical Analysis Barbara Holzman, Jerry Davis
Dion Good Green Envy: A Gap Analysis of Greenspace in San Francisco Using GIS XiaoHang Liu, Jason Mark Henderson
Jenny McIlvaine Balancing Ecological Restoration, Cultural Resource Preservation, and Recreation at San Francisco's Crissy Field Nancy Wilkinson, Jason Mark Henderson
Catherine Huybrechts Mapping Egeria densa using satellite imagery and a computer-assisted algorithm Patricia Foschi, Ellen Hines
Zetta Wells-Reicker Integrating Theory and Community Food System Assessments: A San Francisco Case Study XiaoHang Liu, Qian Guo
Elizabeth Kanner Evaluating Conservation Easements as a Tool for Growth Management: Solano County, California Jason Mark Henderson, Nancy Wilkinson
Anica Williams The Effectiveness of Environmental Education in Increasing Environmental Literacy and Responsible Behavior Barbara Holzman, Edna Wangui
Ruth Askevold Interpreting Historical Maps to Reconstruct Past Landscapes in the Santa Clara Valley Nancy Wilkinson, Jerry Davis
Cynthia Comerford Scully The Use of Spatial Data to Improve Public Health Planning Ellen Hines, XiaoHang Liu
Deborah Dwyer Integrating GIS and GPS to Manage Natural Resources in Local Environments: San Francisco Natural Areas Barbara Holzman, Jerry Davis
Tiffany Meyer The Arctostaphylos Myrtifolia and Eriogonum Apricum Plant Community: Its Distribution, Abundance and Conservation Barbara Holzman, Jerry Davis
Monique Nakagawa Socioeconomic Disparities in Passenger Experiences of Public Transit Qian Guo, XiaoHang Liu
Elizabeth Proctor Reducing Variation in Georeferenced Locality Descriptions Jerry Davis, Barbara Holzman
Mami Odaya Estimating Egeria Densa Biomass in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Using Remote Sensing Patricia Foschi, Jerry Davis
Jim Pettigrew Removal and Nutrient Analysis of Invasive Green Crabs in Tomales Bay, California Ellen Hines, Andrew Oliphant
Kelsey McDonald San Pedro Creek Flood Control Project: Integrative Analysis of Natural Hazard Response Nancy Wilkinson, Qian Guo, Jerry Davis
Matt Weintraub Giant Footprints: Building the New Ballpark Landscape in San Francisco Qian Guo, Nancy Wilkinson, Max Kirkeberg
Janet Dove Understanding Farmers' Continued Commitment to Apples in Sonoma County's Gold Ridge Region Qian Guo, Nancy Wilkinson
Stephanie Sims Hillslope Sediment Source Assessment of San Pedro Creek Watershed, California Jerry Davis, Andrew Oliphant
Annette Olson Fire in the Berkeley Hills: A Geographic Analysis Jerry Davis, Nancy Wilkinson
Yukari Matsumoto The Spatial Patterns and Growth Rates of an Invasive Cordgrass (Spartina Alterniflora and Spartina Alterniflora X Foliosa) in Elsie Roemer Marsh and San Bruno Marsh, California Patricia Foschi, Ellen Hines
Suzanne Holguin Contextual Conservation: Antillean Manatees (Trichechus Manatus Manatus) of Turneffe Atoll, Belize Ellen Hines, Barbara Holzman
Sara Marcellino Connecting A Heterolocal Ethnic Community: Berkeley's Asian Indian Shopping District Qian Guo, Nancy Wilkinson
Paul Amato Effects of Urbanization On Storm Response in the North Fork San Pedro Creek Jerry Davis, Nancy Wilkinson
Tim Reed Analyzing Seawifs Using GIS: Phytoplankton Blooms in the Bering Sea Jerry Davis, Patricia Foschi
Alicia Mariscal The Environmental History of an Urban Wetland: Arrowhead Marsh in Oakland, California Barbara Holzman, Ellen Hines
John Wilson Geography of Earthquake Risk in the South of Market of San Francisco: People, Place, and Policy Nancy Wilkinson, Hans Meihoefer
David Freitag Lost in the Fog: An Environmental History of Lake Merced Barbara Holzman, Max Kirkeberg
Kathleen Marsh Conservation Easement Language Analysis: Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District Barbara Holzman
Paul Pribor Post-Fire Succession in Bishop Pine Forest at Point Reyes National Seashore, California (1995-2001) Barbara Holzman, Jerry Davis
David Kamil City on the Brink: An Atlas of San Francisco, 1940-1950 Max Kirkeberg, Hans Meihoefer
Kevin Jackson AIDS Induced Landscape Change: The Castro from 1980-2001 Nancy Wilkinson, Max Kirkeberg
Hili Kopilovich Using Natural Areas in Urban Landscapes: Lake Merced Curriculum for High Schools Barbara Holzman, Hans Meihoefer
Juan Ochoa Plant Diversity in Organic and Conventional Farms' Margins in Yolo County, California Barbara Holzman, Hans Meihoefer
Vivian Matuk Water quality of San Pedro Creek watershed, Pacifica, California Jerry Davis, Nancy Wilkinson, Hans Meihoefer
David Hall Coyote recolonization and human perception in West Marin County, California Barbara Holzman, Nancy Wilkinson
Cary Karacas The Haight-Ashbury's Trial by Public Space: A Case Study in Locational Conflict Nancy Wilkinson, Qian Guo
James Macrae GIS study to assess potential transit-oriented development in the Bay Area Roger Crawford, Jerry Davis
Peter Dartnell Applying remote sensing techniques to map seafloor geology/habitat relationships. Jerry Davis, John Westfall
Kimra McAfee Post-Audit of New Melones Dam, Central Valley Project, Stanislaus River, California Nancy Wilkinson, Roger Crawford
James Campbell In harm's way : urban development in a deep floodplain Sacramento County, California Nancy Wilkinson, Roger Crawford, Hans Meihoefer
Lauren Johnson The diffusion of organic farming in Yolo County, California: A question of culture Nancy Wilkinson, Hans Meihoefer
Karen Brewster Viticulture in San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties, California Hans Meihoefer, John Westfall
Christina Grosso Mountain Lake: its function and compatibility as a recreational area and native habitat Barbara Holzman, Jerry Davis
Peter Cohen Transformation in an industrial landscape : San Francisco's Northeast Mission Max Kirkeberg, Nancy Wilkinson
Sean Micallef Grazing effects on the grassland vegetation of Mount Diablo State Park, California Barbara Holzman, Jerry Davis
Sylvie Amezcua Gaps and links: San Francisco Garter Snake habitat assessment priorities Jerry Davis, Barbara Holzman
Lee Melton Computer-assisted classification of suburban areas in satellite imagery through the use of an artificial neural network Patricia Foschi, Jerry Davis
Katherine Hirzel Plant use among the Maroons of Accompong, Jamaica: A key to structural survival John Westfall, Larry Foster
Feride Serefiddin Seasonality of solution processes in the Marble Mountains subalpine karst of northern California. Jerry Davis, Hans Meihoefer
Karen Folger Post-fire succession in the Inverness Ridge Bishop Pine Forest, Point Reyes National Seashore Barbara Holzman, Jerry Davis
Adrian Sears A karst hydrochemical study of the Marble Mountain of northwestern California Jerry Davis, Nancy Wilkinson
Holly Herring Serpentine's connection with safety, environmental, and health problems near Coalinga, California Hans Meihoefer, Jerry Davis
Philip Klasky An extreme and solemn relationship. Native American perspectives: Ward Valley Nuclear Dump Barbara Holzman, Max Kirkeberg
John Dalton Farming on the urban fringe John Westfall, Nancy Wilkinson
Katy Wilcoxen Shaping a landscape image: Geography of palm trees in San Francisco, 1850s to 1997 Max Kirkeberg, Nancy Wilkinson
David Tricamo Rural Nanai of the lower Amur river : Geography of socioeconomic and cultural conditions Nancy Wilkinson, Robert Picker
Deborah Smith The Development of a CLAES Verification Dataset for Polar Stratospheric Cloud Detection Patricia Foschi, John Westfall
Robert Evans Biogeographic model of habitat indicators for the presence ofHesperolinon drymariodes Barbara Holzman, Jerry Davis
Karen Noll Regional Identity in California Nancy Wilkinson, Larry Foster
Warren Cook A Geography of San Francisco Bay Area Crafts and Fairs Nancy Wilkinson, Roger Crawford
Hugh Howard Death Valley: An Animated Atlas Hans Meihoefer, John Westfall
Janie Leech Favism on Rhodes, Greece: The Interplay of Faba Beans, Genetics and Disease Hans Meihoefer, Robert Picker
Ellen McElhinny Mapping Ethnic Change in North Beach Since 1940 Nancy Wilkinson, Max Kirkeberg
Kevin Mackay Regional conversation planning for San Francisco Bay Salt Marshes: A biogeographical approach Barbara Holzman, Roger Crawford
Samanthe Kadar A Geography of Garden Landscapes in Central Sonoma County, California Barbara Holzman, Patricia Foschi
Mary Travis A Historical and Environmental Geographic Analysis of Lake Merritt, Oakland, California Roger Crawford, Nancy Wilkinson
Robert Dull Late Holocene Paleoecology and Historic Grazing Impacts, Southern Sierra Nevada, California Jerry Davis, Barbara Holzman
Stephen Wollmer Effects of Multiple Use on Rainsplash Erosion and Runoff in Semiarid Rangeland Hans Meihoefer, Jerry Davis
Bonnie Carroll The Landscape of Divorce in Reno, Nevada 1931-1960 Nancy Wilkinson, Max Kirkeberg
John Isom Secondary Map Information, Synthesis Maps, and Cartographic Communication Hans Meihoefer, John Westfall
Michael Hitchcock Geography of Public Finance in San Mateo County, California Roger Crawford, Nancy Wilkinson
Loralee Konde Spatial Analysis of Successful Natural Blue Oak Regeneration, Priest Valley, California Barbara Holzman, Jerry Davis
Ruth MacKay-Shea Mapping Vegetation for Biodiversity Analysis Using Integrated Remote Sensing/ GIS Methodogy: Woodside California Patricia Foschi, Jerry Davis
Nadine Golden Organic Farms as Nodes of Wildlife Corridors, Fresno County, California Hans Meihoefer, Barbara Holzman
Andrew Richardson Identification and Prioritization of Prescribed Burn Sites in the Crystal Springs Watershed Jerry Davis, Nancy Wilkinson
Daniel Scollon Spatial Analysis of the Tidal Habitat of the Suisun Song Sparrow Roger Crawford, Jerry Davis
Marianne Hegeman Used Merchandise Stores: Reuse Retailing in Berkeley, California Richard Hough, Robert Picker
Andrew Maxwell Mapping and Habitat Analysis of the California Endemic Tree, Torreya Californica, in Marin County Jerry Davis, Tom Parker
Charleen Gavette The Dispersal, Distribution, and Disposition of Released Rehibilitation Pinnipeds Hans Meihoefer, Georg Treichel
Thomas Lupo Will Habitat Destruction Extirpate The Swainson's Hawk From the Sacramento Area? Hans Meihoefer, Jerry Davis
Norma Lincoln Land Use Studies on Foot: A Geography of San Mateo County, California Hans Meihoefer, Max Kirkeberg
Fauno Cordes Winter Survival in The Antartic As Described By James Fenimore Cooper John Westfall, Robert Picker
Jennifer Krebs California's Role in the Changing Geography of Book Publishing in The United States Jean Vance, Richard Hough
Richard Davis The Taxicab Business in San Francisco: A Geographic Analysis Roger Crawford, Max Kirkeberg
Duncan Watry Reusing Abandoned Railroad Rights-of-Way For Rail Transit Lines in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties Roger Crawford, Max Kirkeberg
Deborah Wolfe A locational analysis of foreign government representatives in the San Francisco Bay Area, 1925-1985 Jean Vance, Richard Hough
Donald Jarrett St. Louis Union Station: Contributor to the Physical, Cultural, And Economic Development of St. Louis, Missouri Max Kirkeberg, Jean Vance
Craig Wright The Impacts of Hydroelectric Development on Biological Diversity Hans Meihoefer, Roger Crawford
Susan Cutter Cartography In Advertising Hans Meihoefer, John Westfall
Rann Schultz A Computer- Generated Atlas of Vicksburg National Cemetery, Mississippi Hans Meihoefer, John Westfall
Alice Glasner Community Gardening in San Francisco Nancy Wilkinson, Hans Meihoefer
Richard Montgomery Distribution of and access to county sponsored primary health care in San Francisco Jean Vance, Max Kirkeberg
Kathleen Ragland The Onset of the Decline in Ischemic Heart Disease Mortality in the United States: Spatial and Temporal Patterns John Westfall, Jean Vance
Yoshiharu Izaki The Interrelationship Between Residential Patterns and Socio-Economic Characteristics Among Seven Ethnic Groups in San Francisco Jean Vance, Richard Hough
Thomas Harrison The Geography of Narcotics: Marijuana, Opium, and Coca Hans Meihoefer, Georg Treichel
David Landau The Olive in the Mediterranean and in California: A Study in Historical Development and Current Conditions Hans Meihoefer, Burton Gordon
Jonathan Lawton A Survey and Evaluation of Land Use Classification and Mapping Systems Roger Crawford, Steven Pease
Michael Work A Correlation Analysis of Los Angeles' Ambient Air Quality Data and Wet Deposition Acidity Steven Pease, Richard Hough
Mark Weisman Locating and Planning For Routes to Better Serve Transit Dependent Populations: A Case Study of San Francisco Roger Crawford, Jean Vance
Suzanne Rogalin Developing a Risk Management Program for Ports Max Kirkeberg, Steven Pease
Joseph Calbreath 500 Millibar Flow Patterns and Significant Snowfall over Southwestern Oregon Steven Pease, John Westfall
James Liner Application of an analog model to financial institutions Roger Crawford, Jean Vance, John Huttman
Robert Carberry Water Balance Model of Pyramid Lake, Nevada John Westfall, Steven Pease
John Jordan Perception of The Delta Flood Hazard Roger Crawford, Richard Hough
Rhonda Zobel Cultivation and Production of Nori, Wakame, and Ao-Nori in Selected Areas of Japan Hans Meihoefer, Richard Hough
Dennis Young The Effect of Summer Rainfall on the Plant Ecology of Two Subalpine Meadows in the Sierra Nevada of California Burton Gordon, Steven Pease
Edward Stearns Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC): The Outlook For an Alternate Energy Source Hans Meihoefer, Erwin Seibel
Abdul-Mohsen Al-Hijji Riyadh As a Case Study of Urban Growth John Westfall, Burton Gordon
Kenneth Hough Transit Accessibility of The Urban Population to Bay Area National Park Service Areas Roger Crawford, Georg Treichel
Frances Murphey Steamboat Navigation of The Upper Missouri River 1832-1890: A Primary Factor in the Development and Settlement of the Northern Plains John Westfall, Richard Hough
Susan Fandel Methane Gas Recovery From Landfill in the San Francisco Bay Area Hans Meihoefer, John Huttman
Michael Stevens Public Participation in the Identification of Forest Service Planning Issues Hans Meihoefer, Rene Barendregt
William Selby Characteristics and Impacts of Summer Thunderstorm Cloudbursts in the White Mountains, California and Nevada Steven Pease, Rene Barendregt
Mary Miller The Historical Biogeography of The Point Reyes Peninsula John Westfall, Burton Gordon
Howard Bettencourt Cognitive Mapping as an Aid to Environmental Planning  Robert Picker, Max Kirkeberg
Susan Stropes Reserve Capacity in a Public Transportation System: Case Study of Golden Gate Transit Roger Crawford, Richard Hough
Deborah Dorland Two post-glacial pollen records from Myers Grade Marsh and Grass Lake, El Dorado County, California Rene Barendregt, Burton Gordon
Ralph Andreotti Deforestation and Roza Farming in the Cafetal Region or Santa Rosa Department, Guatemala Hans Meihoefer, Burton Gordon, Larry Foster
Wade Stevenson Land Use Policies Associated with Scenic Highways in California Hans Meihoefer, Georg Treichel
Edwina Smith The California Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus Beecheyi) Natural History and Control Policies with Economic and Ecological Ramifications Hans Meihoefer, Burton Gordon
Marc Francis Transportation Problems in Exporting U.S. Western Steam Coal to the Pacific Rim Robert Picker, Georg Treichel
Michael Tripp Russian routes: Origins and Development of an Ethnic Community in San Francisco Max Kirkeberg, Burton Gordon
Gordon Moore Southwest San Mateo County Groundwater Investigation: A Study In Hydrologic Mapping Robert Picker, Rene Barendregt
Maxine Osowitt Sweden: An Example of The Political Economy of Energy Robert Picker, Rene Barendregt
Glenn Minuth A Geomorphic Analysis of Mound Microrelief on the Mehrten Formation near Sacramento in Placer County, California Hans Meihoefer, Rene Barendregt
Frank Viollis The Evolution of Pescadero Marsh Georg Treichel, Rene Barendregt
Karlena Roberto The Geography of Crime in San Francisco: As Percieved and as Reported John Westfall, Richard Hough
Sharon Johnson The Land-Use History of the Coast Range Preserve, Mendocino County, California Hans Meihoefer, John Westfall, Burton Gordon
Franklin Bell Geographic Aspects of Honeybee Pollination of California Vegetable Crops Hans Meihoefer, Burton Gordon
David Mayfield Ecology of the Pre-Spanish San Francisco Bay Area John Westfall, Burton Gordon
James Milestone The Influence of Modern Man on The Stream System of Yosemite Valley Burton Gordon, Rene Barendregt
Cheryl Schudel A Phytogeographical Study of Buckeye Canyon: San Bruno Mountain Hans Meihoefer, Burton Gordon
John Roberto Locational Analysis of Condominium Development in Marin County, California Roger Crawford, Jean Vance
Lloyd Burton Modification of Attitudes Toward the Natural Environment Among High School Students Max Kirkeberg, Robert Picker
Rodney McInnis Correlations Between The Squid Fishery and Environmental Factors in Monterey Bay, California
Beverley Evans Burlingame: Evolution of a Suburban Landscape Burton Gordon, Astvaldur Eydal
Robert Earle Process and Pattern in The Designation of Natural Areas Roger Crawford, Georg Treichel
James Keenan The Distribution and Origin of Bench-Like Topography on Bolinas Ridge, California: A Problem in Geomorphology John Westfall, Mark Winsor
Stuart Chaitkin Network Development and Analysis: A Review and Critique of a Phase in the Travel Modeling Process Used by the Metropolitian Transportation Commission Roger Crawford, Jean Vance
Edward Onn A Method of Low Altitude, Large Scale Aerial Photography for Use in Geographic Research Hans Meihoefer, Burton Gordon
James Williamson Landslide Susceptibility Near Tomales Bay, California John Westfall, David Mustart
Ronald Chromy Geographic Aspects of the San Francisco Bay Region Tugboat Operations Richard Hough, Georg Treichel
Bernard Taylor Natural Conditions Influencing the Location of Citrus Groves in Western Stanislaus County, California Max Kirkeberg, Robert Picker
David Anderson Biogeography and Application of its Principles to the Examination of Biotic Patterns of Rodeo Lagoon Roger Crawford, Hans Meihoefer
Christopher Exline The Conversion of The Cotati Valley, California Into a Suburban Landscape Hans Meihoefer, John Westfall
Edwin Sloan The Historical Geography of Ethiopia to 1468 Max Kirkeberg, Burton Gordon
Janet Stang A Study of Lake Names in Northwestern California Burton Gordon, Walter Hacker
George Cosmos Wave Erosion Rates Along The Abandoned Ocean Shore Railroad, San Mateo County, California Burton Gordon, Astvaldur Eydal
David Hubbell The Phenomenon of Discountinuous Urban Growth Examined in Three Geographic Settings Robert Picker, Jean Vance
William Spence Three Case Studies in Geographic Models: Transportation and Agricultural Location Roger Crawford, Robert Picker
Richard Luskin Wine and Urbanization: Issues in Napa Valley Burton Gordon, Hans Meihoefer, Georg Treichel
Steven Solomon Turnkey Public Housing in Oakland Roger Crawford, Jean Vance
Lydia Hajdu Neighborhood Pattern And Intraurban Voting Behavior in San Francisco Roger Crawford, John Westfall
Carole Abrew Patterns and process of change in Oakland, California Jean Vance, Robert Picker
Raymond Haddox Decline in Viticulture Since World War II: Santa Clara County, California John Westfall, Hans Meihoefer
John Gray The Projected Impact of the Proposed Slauson Freeway on Huntington Park Roger Crawford, Robert Picker
Gary Gunther Rapid Population Growth: A Study of In-Migration; Walnut Creek, California John Westfall, Roger Crawford
Gerald Dow Bay Fill in San Francisco: A History of Change Jean Vance, Burton Gordon
John Hendricks Submarine Geography: Three Approached to Field Study Techniques in Shallow Undersea Environments Hans Meihoefer, John Westfall, Burton Gordon
Michael Henn The Preservation of Agriculture in the Rural-Urban Fringe, Alameda County, California Roger Crawford, Richard Hough
James Rankin The Gold Ridge Apple Region- A Study of a Changing Agricultural Region Robert Picker, Astvaldur Eydal
Eric McGuire The Cartographic Development of The Central California Coastal Region Walter Hacker, Astvaldur Eydal
Byung-Woo Lim An Analysis of The Geographic Residential Patterns of San Francisco State College Faculty and Staff Roger Crawford, Richard Hough
Abdul Hameed Historical and descriptive geography of water development in West Pakistan: A case study of the Middle Indus Basin Richard Hough, Astvaldur Eydal
Clinton Miller Evolution of the Cultural Landscape of the Half Moon Bay Area, California Burton Gordon, Walter Olson
George Small Impact of the Development of Marin County on Traffic Congestion Points Along the U.S. 101 Corridor Roger Crawford, Richard Hough
Henry Shryock The Methods and Materials of Demography: Volume 2
Themeos Drossos Farm Fragmentation, Land Consolidation and Agricultural Development in Greece John Westfall, Hans Meihoefer
Victor Bluestone Distribution of Selected Coastal Beach and Dune Plants along Monterey Bay, California Burton Gordon, Astvaldur Eydal
William Templer Direction Orientation: Human and Non-Human Burton Gordon, Walter Olson
Douglas Odaffer Three Capitals of British Honduras Burton Gordon, Jean Vance
Richard Avey Mound Microrelief: A Case Study of the Santa Cruz area, California Burton Gordon, Walter Olson
Leo Wagner The Impact of The Aswan High Dam on Egyptian Agriculture John Westfall, Hans Meihoefer
Harold M. Elliott A Historical Atlas of The Domestic Trunk Airlines of The United States John Westfall, Richard Hough, Georg Treichel
Urbain Kinet Ecological Biogeography of Antartica with Emphasis on Volcanic Habitatats Walter Hacker, Astvaldur Eydal, York Mandra
Phillip Wallick An Historical Geography of The Salinas Valley Burton Gordon, Astvaldur Eydal
Thomas Price Negro Storefront Churches in San Francisco: A Study of Their Spatial Characteristics in Two Selected Neighborhoods Max Kirkeberg, Robert Picker, Jean Vance
Richard Cathcart Regional Planning in The Strand Area of the Monterey Bay Burton Gordon, Astvaldur Eydal
Louis Brokling The Enclosure of the 'Zuiderzee' and its significance for the Netherlands Burton Gordon, Astvaldur Eydal
Heinz Gerlach The Geographic Factors That Influenced The Life-Span of the Mount Diablo Coal Mining District, Contra Costa County, California Robert Picker, Burton Gordon, Richard Hough
Daniel Taylor The Impact of Culture Change on Land Use in A Selected Site in Northern Uganda Max Kirkeberg, Georg Treichel, Walter Olson
Robert Fredericks Man and The Land at Clear Lake Walter Olson, Astvaldur Eydal
Stephen Gehre The Geography of Selected Patterns of Agriculture in San Mateo County, California Walter Olson, Astvaldur Eydal
Theodore Cook City Planning Theory Walter Olson, Robert Picker
William Rickard An Analysis of Factors Influencing The Employment Structure of Retail Trade in Independent Cities of The United States, 1950-1960 Robert Picker, Astvaldur Eydal
Richard Foster The Persistence of Mexican Land Grant Boundaries in The Present Day Landscape Burton Gordon, Richard Hough
Malcom Wright Economics as A Function of Landform and Surface Material in Central America Burton Gordon, Astvaldur Eydal, Walter Hacker
James Schnobrich The Geographical Distribution of Mountain Waves in the Vicinity of Reno, Nevada Robert Picker, Norman Drin
Peter Stromberg Landslide Problems Related to Housing Development in Central California Walter Hacker, Astvaldur Eydal
Marshall McLennan A Study of Selected Crop Distributions in the Phillippines Astvaldur Eydal, John Leighly, Richard Hough
Alan Furbush A Geographic Study of The Tuolumne Table Mountains Astvaldur Eydal, Robert Picker
Lacy Spake A Micro-Regional Geography Case Study of Topical Highland Development: Gusii District, Kenya, East Africa Richard Hough, Robert Picker
Donald Claspill The Changing Bay Shoreline of San Mateo County Astvaldur Eydal, Alfred Sumner, York Mandra
Jon Brand Smog Alfred Sumner, Lyle Gibson, York Mandra