In the School of the Environment

Map Library (HSS 289)
The Map Library houses the maps, equipment, and book collections of the School of the Environment; provides student meeting, work and social space.

HSS 290
The Geographical Analysis Teaching Lab is used for Geographic Information Science teaching. Computers are available for student use during open hours.

HSS 272
The Institute for GIScience Research Lab is available to students and staff for Geographic Information Science research and course lab work.

O3 Soils & Geomorphology Lab
Lab equipped for processing of soils and vegetation, and preparation of equipment for field experiments.

Institute for Geographic Information Science
The Institute for Geographic Information Science (IGISc) is a research institution dedicated to the promotion and support of geographic information technology.

Estuary & Ocean Science Center
The Estuary & Ocean Science Center (EOS), located at SF State's Romberg Tiburon Campus supports scientific study of the marine and estuarine environment.

SFSU Sierra Nevada Field Campus
The SF State Sierra Nevada Field Campus, located in the North Yuba at 5500’, promoting the northern Sierra Nevada through education and research.

SF State Climate HQ
Climate HQ serves as SF State's communication hub and broadcast service for climate action and offers the Certificate in Climate Change Causes, Impacts, and Solutions.