Burton Gordon

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BURTON L. GORDON (Ph.D., UC Berkeley, 1954)
"Human geography and ecology in the Sinu Country of Colombia." ( Sauer)
b. 13 February 1920, Asotin, Washington. m., Myra; ch., Anna, Karen, Robin, Janice.
A.B. San Francisco State College (Earth Sciences) 1943. Reportedly on the Boxing Team.
San Francisco State University, Professor of Geography, hired 1965.
Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque (Chairman) 1955-65; Univ. of London, Queen Mary College (Exchange Lecturer) 1962-63.
Post-doctoral Fellow, Johns Hopkins Univ. 1953-54.
Books and Monographs:
"Human Geography and Ecology in the Sinú Country of Colombia." Ibero-Americana, vol. 39. 117 pp., 1957. (Spanish edition, Carlos Valencia Editores, Bogotá, 1983.)
"Anthropogeography and rainforest ecology of Boca del Toro Province, Panama." U.C. Berkeley, Dept. of Geography, ONR report., 99 pp. 1967.
Monterey Bay Area: Natural History and Cultural Imprints. Pacific Grove, CA: Boxwood Press, 1975; 2nd ed., 321 pp., 1979.
A Panama Forest and Shore: Natural History and Amerindian Culture in Bocas del Toro. Pacific Grove, CA: Boxwood Press,178 pp., 1982.
"A domesticated, wax-producing scale insect kept by the Guaymí Indians of Panama." Ethnos (Stockholm), pp. 36-49, 1957.
"Notes on shell mounds near the Caribbean coast of western Panama." Panama Archaeologist, 5:1-9, 1962.
"Los Indios Térraba o Náso del Río Terribe, Panama." Hombre y Cultura, 4:30-42, 1965.
"Heroes and ethos of the Jicarilla Apache." The Masterkey, 44:54-62, 1970.
"Sacred directions, orientation and the top of the map." History of Religions, 10(3):211-227, 1971.