Associate Professor
Terrestrial biogeography; Plant ecophysiology; Climate change; Coastal fog; Mediterranean ecosystems; Water resource management; Urban ecohydrology; Science education and outreach
(415) 338-2042

Associate Professor
Food justice, urban agriculture, waste and waste prevention, public policy, critical animal geographies, feminist and critical race geographies
(415) 405-2495

Remote sensing of environment, landslide susceptibility analysis, geomorphological hazards, fluvial geomorphology, soils
(415) 405-2144

Assistant Professor
Hydrology, fluvial geomorphology, river processes, river restoration, water resources management
(415) 405-2433

Associate Professor
Neotectonics, seismotectonics of coastal central California and Nevada
Sustainable communities, green consumerism, urban agriculture, social and environmental justice, climate change, STEM education, STEM teacher preparation
(415) 405-2676

Jerry Davis (He/Him/His)
geomorphology, watersheds, GISci, spatial statistics, Python and R environmental data science, UAS remote sensing

Associate Professor
Regional geography, cultural geography, urban geography, economic geography
(415) 338-1314

Politics of Mobility; Comparative Global Transport; Bicycle and Car Politics; Public Transit; Parking; Energy and Climate impacts of Transport; Car Free and Car Lite Cities

Assistant Professor
Environmental Justice, Environmental Politics and Policy, Urban Inequality, Community Organizing, Community Based Participatory Research, and Social Movements

Associate Professor
Carbonate sedimentology, geobiology, microbial carbonates, spring deposits (travertine, tufa), petrography

Professor and School Associate Director
Petrology, geochemistry, geochronology, the tectonics of mountain building, and natural hazards

Geographic Information Science, spatial analysis for social science, urban remote sensing
(415) 338-7509

Associate Professor
Hydrology, water quality, environmental science, resource management, watershed biogeochemistry, ecohydrology, GIS & environmental modeling
(415) 405-3547

Andrew Oliphant (He/Him/His)
Professor and School Director
Surface-atmosphere interactions, bioclimate and microclimate studies, surface energy, water and carbon budgets, urban climates and mountain meteorology
(415) 405-2143

Associate Professor
Participatory decision-making, climate change adaptation, participatory water governance, advocacy and civic engagement, knowledge inclusion and access and intellectual fairness, land use management
(415) 405-0328

Climate change, reconstructions of past climates (particularly from tree rings), interactions of human societies and climate over the last ~4000 years, response of the global rain patterns to global warming, the annual cycle of climate variability
Lecturer Faculty

Lecturer, CSU GIS Specialty Center Administrator
Geographic Information Systems, Environmental Science, Natural Resource Management, Invasive Species Ecology
(415) 338-6140

Anthropogenic Climate Change; Natural Hazards; Water Resources; Geomorphology
(415) 405-2451

Groundwater, hydrogeology, and stormwater management in the urban environment

Geoscience Education, Educational Leadership in Higher Education, Structural Geology/Tectonics

Fundamentals of Geology, Hydrology & Hydrogeology, Environmental Sustainability, and Climate Change
Adjunct Faculty

Adjunct Faculty
Landscape ecology, biogeography, interplay of topography and evolution, disturbance (fire) ecology, island biogeography, glaciated landscapes
(415) 405-2451

Adjunct Professor
Wetland restoration, wetland and estuarine geomorphology, integration of estuarine and climate science with public policy, climate change effects and resilience in estuarine wetlands and nearshore human environments
(415) 299-8746

Adjunct Faculty
Geographic information systems (GIS), fisheries oceanography, history of science, scientific visualization, application of GIS to historiography

Adjunct Professor
Micropaleontology, paleoceanography, stratigraphy, historical geology
(510) 664-4966
Faculty Emeriti

Professor Emeritus
Igneous and metamorphic petrology, lunar and extraterrestrial geology, geochemistry, mineralogy

Professor Emerita
International political economy of the environment; environment and developmentĀ (trade agreements, World Bank/IMF), sustainable alternative institutions; climate policy

Professor Emerita
Remote sensing, geographic information systems (GIS), quantitative methods

Professor Emeritus
Physical meteorology; tropical climatology, applications of GPS technology to meteorology

Professor Emerita
Sedimentation and tectonics, coastal sedimentary environments, Quaternary geology, tectonic geomorphology

Professor Emerita
Geographic information systems (GIS), community GIS, marine and coastal conservation, marine mammals, endangered species conservation

Professor Emerita
Biogeography, resource management, environmental studies, vegetation change, disturbance recovery

Professor Emeritus
Synoptic and mesoscale meteorology, severe weather, weather analysis and forecasting, coastal zone meteorology

Professor Emeritus
Experimental petrology, geochemistry, economic geology, and soils geology

Professor Emeritus
Coastal dynamics, interrelationship of the biological, chemical, geological and physical characteristics of the nearshore system, geophysical investigations, fresh water resources, marine geology, estuarine studies

Professor Emeritus
Fluvial, Hillslope, and Tectonic Geomorphology; Engineering Geology; Hydrology; Ecosystem Restoration
(415) 338-1204