Jennifer Blecha
Associate Professor
Food justice, urban agriculture, waste and waste prevention, public policy, critical animal geographies, feminist and critical race geographies
(415) 405-2495
Email: jblecha@sfsu.edu
HSS 265
Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 2007
Courses Taught
Transforming Food and Ag Systems
Environmental Problems and Solutions
Geography of Garbage and Waste Reduction
Seminar in Cultural Geography: Human & Social Geography
Recent publications
Blecha, Jennifer, and Helga Leitner. "Reimagining the food system, the economy, and urban life: new urban chicken-keepers in US cities." Urban geography 35.1 (2014): 86-108.
Blecha, Jennifer, and Adam Davis. "Distance, proximity, and freedom: Identifying conflicting priorities regarding urban backyard livestock slaughter."Geoforum 57 (2014): 67-77.
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