Erin Bray
B.S. Cornell University
M.A. Brown University
Ph.D. University of California, Santa Barbara
Research and Teaching Area
My research is in hydrology and fluvial geomorphology, with emphasis on river processes, river restoration, and water resources management. Previously I was Co-Lead of the Water Science program at California State University, Northridge. I was a postdoctoral fellow at UC Berkeley in 2014 where I worked with the UC Berkeley Riverlab on topics in fluvial geomorphology related to gravel bars. I completed my PhD at the University of California Santa Barbara (2013), and received an M.A. at Brown University (2005) and a B.S. at Cornell University (2003). My teaching and research is focused on understanding river mechanics, quantifying the effects of human activities to rivers, and adapting to freshwater challenges in unexpected ways.