Jason Mark Henderson

Contact Information
Jason Henderson is Professor of Geography & Environment at San Francisco State University. His research focuses on the ‘politics of mobility’ and examines how culture, history, politics, and economics shape transportation. Jason’s research and teaching are motivated by the need for rapid and accelerated de-car (bonization) to limit global warming, and inspired by efforts to build compact, car free and cycling cities around the world. During Fall 2023 - Spring 2024 Jason will be on sabbatical researching and writing for a new book.
Selected Publications
Henderson, J. (2020). EVs are Not the Answer: A mobility Justice Critique of Electric Vehicle Transitions Annals of the American Association of Geographers.
Street Fights in Copenhagen: The Politics of Mobility in a Green Mobility City (co-authored with Natalie Gulsrud). This book examines the politics of the bicycle and the car in Copenhagen, Denmark, one of the world’s iconic bicycle cities. More information about the book can be found here: https://www.routledge.com/Street-Fights-in-Copenhagen-Bicycle-and-Car-Politics-in-a-Green-Mobility/Henderson-Gulsrud/p/book/9781138334892
Jason is also author of Street Fight: The Politics of Mobility in San Francisco, and co-author of Low Car (bon) Communities: Inspiring Car-Free and Car Lite Urban Futures. He has published articles in International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Antipode, Urban Geography, the Journal of Transport Geography and several book chapters in academic books on sustainable transportation and the politics of the automobile.
In 2018 Jason was a visiting research professor at the Institute of Geography and Center for North American Studies at Heidelberg University.
Students who share any of the above interests should not hesitate to contact Jason at Jhenders@sfsu.edu
Intro to Human Geography (Geog 102): Geography and global warming, globalization of the economy, global urbanization patterns, population and resources; transport geographies.
Urban Transportation (Geog 433): decarbonizing transport, green mobility, bicycles, public transit (Muni/BART), transportation finance (taxes/tolls), public versus private transport; Emphasis on San Francisco Bay Area and California.
Comparative Global Transportation (Geog 435): Case studies of mobility in cities and around the world; What can San Francisco learn from other cities and metropolitan regions? Car ownership, bicycles, rail and bus transit, parking, finance, political culture, green mobility and de- car (bonization).
Bicycle Geographies (Geog 437): Why bicycle? What are opportunities for increased cycling? How can SF State and the Bay Area increase cycling? History, debates, planning, politics, culture, and bicycle field trips!
Land Use Planning (Geog 658) :Urban planning and global warming, sprawl and density, environmental review, parking, zoning, planning process. How compact cities can contribute to rapid and accelerated decarbonization.
Graduate Seminar (858):Seminar in Transportation, Land Use, and Environment
Web page: https://geog.sfsu.edu/person/jason